
The InfluxDB 2.0 time series platform is purpose-built to collect, store, process and visualize metrics and events. Get started with InfluxDB OSS v2.0 by downloading InfluxDB, installing the necessary executables, and running the initial setup process.

Verify the authenticity of binary

For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.)

1. Download and import InfluxData’s public key:
curl -s | gpg —import -
2. Download the signature file for the release by adding .asc to the download URL. For example:
3. Verify the signature with gpg —verify:
gpg —verify influxdb2.0.3_darwin_amd64.tar.gz.asc influxdb2.0.3_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
The output from this command should include the following:
gpg: Good signature from “InfluxData <>” [unknown]

Run Idekit on macOS Catalina

macOS Catalina requires downloaded binaries to be signed by registered Apple developers. Currently, when you first attempt to run idekitxd or idekit, macOS will prevent it from running. To manually authorize the Idekit binaries:
  1. Attempt to run the influx or idekitxd commands
  2. Open System Preferences and click Security & Privacy.
  3. Under the General tab, there is a message about idekitxd or Idekit being blocked. Click Open Anyway.
  4. Repeat this process for both binaries.
We are in the process of updating our build process to ensure released binaries are signed by Idekit.

Run Idekit on macOS Catalina

macOS Catalina requires downloaded binaries to be signed by registered Apple developers. Currently, when you first attempt to run idekitxd or idekit, macOS will prevent it from running. To manually authorize the Idekit binaries:
  1. Attempt to run the influx or idekitxd commands
  2. Open System Preferences and click Security & Privacy.
  3. Under the General tab, there is a message about idekitxd or Idekit being blocked. Click Open Anyway.
  4. Repeat this process for both binaries.
We are in the process of updating our build process to ensure released binaries are signed by Idekit.

For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.)

1. Download and import InfluxData’s public key:
curl -s | gpg —import -
2. Download the signature file for the release by adding .asc to the download URL. For example:





For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.)

For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.)

“Vestibulum pellentesque diam non tellus volutpat laoreet. 6 500 Suspendisse dignissim blandit tortor 40 dignissim volutpat laoreet.”
Jméno a příjmení, Společnost s.r.o

 For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.)

Název akce tlačítka

Anotace k tlačítku...

 For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.) 

Věděli jste, že...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget mollis tortor. Praesent eu sapien auctor, dictum ligula vel, porttitor libero. Pellentesque eget ex at libero convallis vestibulum. Vestibulum arcu diam, ultrices nec egestas eu, elementum et velit.

For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.)

Nadpis druhé úrovně

Nullam facilisis est eu ipsum aliquet, nec luctus enim volutpat. Suspendisse viverra, justo sit amet efficitur ultrices, leo leo euismod nibh. Suspendisse viverra, justo sit amet efficitur ultrices, leo leo euismod nibh.

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Nadpis druhé úrovně

Nullam facilisis est eu ipsum aliquet, nec luctus enim volutpat. Suspendisse viverra, justo sit amet efficitur ultrices, leo leo euismod nibh. Suspendisse viverra, justo sit amet efficitur ultrices, leo leo euismod nibh.

Nakupte v eshopu

For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.) 

Nadpis třetí úrovně

Essential Superior Living, to znamená jedinečnou bezobilnou kombinaci Ross a Cobb kuřecího masa a slavné Gressinghamské kachny.

Nadpis třetí úrovně

Essential Superior Living, to znamená jedinečnou bezobilnou kombinaci Ross a Cobb kuřecího masa a slavné Gressinghamské kachny.

For added security, use gpg to verify the signature of your download. (Most operating systems include the gpg command by default. If gpg is not available, see the GnuPG homepage for installation instructions.) 

Nadpis třetí úrovně

Essential Superior Living, to znamená jedinečnou bezobilnou kombinaci Ross a Cobb kuřecího masa a slavné Gressinghamské kachny.

Nadpis třetí úrovně

Essential Superior Living, to znamená jedinečnou bezobilnou kombinaci Ross a Cobb kuřecího masa a slavné Gressinghamské kachny.

Nadpis třetí úrovně

Essential Superior Living, to znamená jedinečnou bezobilnou kombinaci Ross a Cobb kuřecího masa a slavné Gressinghamské kachny.




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